
“We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity for our community…..our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspirations and needs of others….. It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth” (Cesar Chavez). This is our opportunity for everyone to join together to end injustice, hatred, unequal opportunity and racial discrimination.

The time is now….We still have work to do! We are not done yet! For years we have seen injustice, economic inequality, police bullying, leadership hoarding with no positive movement, social determinants of health, unfair housing, unequal employment opportunities, unequal access to education and poor political leaders who do not stand for people of all racial spectrums.  

The Baltimore County Branch will continue to uphold the NAACP vision that all people have equal political, educational, social, health care and economic rights. We want movement to end hatred and racial discrimination, injustice, unequal opportunity and will hold all people in positions accountable.

As the newly elect president, I will continue to work to uphold the mission and vision of the NAACP, to reduce racial hatred and discrimination. My goal is to continue to work with the Baltimore County, State, and National NAACP officers to strengthen our goals.  I will publish Baltimore County Branch goals to be transparent to the community. The goals of the branch will be reviewed and revised as the goals and timelines are accomplished. Publishing the goals is being transparent, allowing the community to see the progressing activities of the Baltimore County Branch. Some of the goals are: Goal 1: To recruit new membership and retain active members; Goal 2: To have our members active in a committee of interest; Goal 3: To increase visibility in the community; and Goal 4: Increase communication (orientation and education to the community); Goal 5:  To hold government officials and people they put in positions accountable for their actions. The goal is to ask for timelines, goals, inclusion, diversity.  We are not done yet! The time is now! Will you be a part of the movement?   Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you as the newly elect NAACP Baltimore County Branch President.

Thank you to Mr. Tony Fugett for his years of service as the Baltimore County NAACP President. His dedication to the branch will always be appreciated.

The Time is Now! Will you join the movement?

Dr. D. Tolson

President's message